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Model of Care - Foreword

On behalf of HSE Clinical Design and Innovation and Mental Health Community Operations we are delighted to present and endorse the National Clinical Programme for ADHD in Adults Model of Care.

Executive Summary

ADHD has long been recognised as one of the most common psychiatric disorders in children and it is now known to persist into adulthood. Two-thirds of the 5% of children with ADHD continue to have symptoms when adults with 1.5% of the adult population having the full syndrome. The latter consists of the persistence of at least 2 of the 3 core symptoms (inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity) together with functional impairment in at least two domains.

Summary of Key Recommendations

1) ADHD occurs in 5-7% of children. It is also known that approximately 15% of these young people continue to have the full syndrome in adulthood, i.e. 1-1.5% of adult population.

1. Introduction

​Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the European Consensus Statement on Diagnosis and Treatment of Adult ADHD is described as one of the most common psychiatric disorders of childhood.

2. Background

ADHD has been recognised in children for well over a century with the first medical description of ADHD credited to Still, a British Paediatrician, in 1902 (Lancet: Gaulstonian lectures).

3. Rationale

The rationale for developing a National Clinical Programme for ADHD in Adults is based on two pillars of evidence: clinical and economic together with evidence from prisons and on mortality.

6. Proposed Model of Care

This section describes the current service provision for ADHD, the design of the Model of Care, resource implications, and more.

7. The Assessment Process

The components of the assessment process for adults with possible ADHD are: Referral criteria, Mode of referral, Pre-assessment screening, ADHD assessment, Identification of co-morbidities, The diagnosis, The post assessment discussion

8. Treatment

Treatment options, including the NICE guidelines, information about medication, treatment of co-morbidities, CBT, occupational therapy, and other interventions.