What is ADHD?

What is ADHD?

ADHD, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a form of neurodivergence. Neurodivergent brains are brain types that are developed differently from what is perceived as the standard (or neurotypical brains). Neurodiversity is the view that brain differences are normal and important for humankind. In this way, it is like biodiversity as a range of neurotypes (types of neurology/brains), like the variety of ecosystems, is necessary for human development and survival.

Attention Regulation

Attention Regulation

While the medical model describes ‘inattention’ as an ADHD trait, it is typically understood that having ADHD does not mean that someone has a lesser ability to focus or attend – instead, adult ADHDers have an abundance of attention and their executive functioning differences change the way they can regulate it.

Staying Focused

Staying Focused

Attention regulation differences can mean the ADHD brain may find it harder to maintain focus on a task, due to finding it difficult to filter out distracting elements of the environment.

Mind Wandering

Mind Wandering

Mind wandering is when thoughts move away from the task at hand. Mind wandering can feel like being in a constant daydream, a whirlwind of thoughts or that thoughts jump up like popcorn.

Time & Task Management

Time & Task Management

Chunk your time. Set an alarm for 25 minutes, during which you tackle the task in a burst and then take 5 minutes break.



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