What effect does ADHD have on relationships?

ADHD and its effect on the person's behaviour can lead to difficulties in social and personal relationships.

Low self-esteem can contribute to relationship challenges for adults with ADHD.

Stress and tension in the home can increase the individual's anxiety, leading to them becoming more forgetful or distractable, causing more arguments and perpetuating the cycle.

Rejection sensitivity can also mean a person with ADHD reacts very strongly to rejection within the relationship. For example, if their partner says no to a date or trip this can feel very hurtful and can impact on the relationship

What effect does ADHD have on relationships?

  • ADHD and its effect on the person’s behaviour can lead to difficulties in social and personal relationships.
  • Low self-esteem can contribute to relationship challenges for adults with ADHD.
  • Stress and tension in the home can increase the individual’s anxiety, leading to them becoming more forgetful or distractable, causing more arguments and perpetuating the cycle.
  • Rejection sensitivity can also mean a person with ADHD reacts very strongly to rejection within the relationship. For example, if their partner says no to a date or trip this can feel very hurtful and can impact on the relationship.

What can I do about it?

  • Educating your partner on the nature of ADHD can be really helpful. You might want to show your partner this App so they can learn more about ADHD, set aside a time so they can ask you any questions they might have. This will likely be an on-going process as you learn more about your own ADHD and inform them.
  • Intimacy in a romantic relationship has a strong influence on relationship satisfaction. Intimacy is defined as being able to express feelings freely and clearly, without fear of judgement from your partner. Carving out time to spend with one another regularly, being physically and emotionally affectionate and openly sharing feelings are ways of nurturing intimacy.
  • While it’s natural for couples to argue sometimes, it’s important to note that sometimes relationships can become abusive and violent. The HSE has important information on recognising abuse (which can take many forms but is frequently emotional, sexual, physical or neglect) here, as well as a page on walking away from the relationship monster here.