HomeHSE Model of Care for ADHD ❭ Contents



Working Group Membership

Executive Summary

Summary of Key Recommendations

  1. Introduction

  2. Background

  3. Rationale

  4. Aims and Objectives

  5. Core Values and Guiding Principles

  6. Proposed Model of Care

  7. The Assessment Process

  8. Treatment

  9. Service Organisation and Resource Requirements

  10. Governance and Implementation

  11. Education/training/continuing professional development

  12. Programme Metrics and Evaluation (including patient experience)




Appendix I: Pre-assessment Screening Scales

Appendix II: Rating functional impairments

Appendix III: Co-morbidities and their differentiation from ADHD symptoms

Appendix IV: Information on non-pharmacological interventions

Glossary of Acronyms



HomeHSE Model of Care for ADHD ❭ Contents